Tag Archives: trophy

BricksLA 2019 MOC of Note Trophy

Following up on the trophies I made for BricksLA 2018, I also built three of these “MOC of Note” trophies for BricksLA 2019, which was held in Pasadena, CA earlier this month. It was a perfect followup to my LEGO “sports” trophy, and maintained the theme from 2018.

The funny thing is, I actually won one of these trophies for my Los Angeles City Hall MOC that I (re)debuted at the show!

LEGO BricksLA 2019 MOC of Note Trophy

BricksLA 2018 MOC of Note Trophy

I built three of these “MOC of Note” trophies for BricksLA 2018, which is held annually in Pasadena, CA in the month of January. It was a perfect opportunity to build a LEGO “sports” trophy; I’ve had some pictures saved in my ideas folder for about 5 years so I’m glad I was able to follow through on it.

I also built MOC of Note trophies for BricksLA 2017 but I don’t think I have any pictures saved unfortunately.

LEGO BricksLA 2018 MOC of Note Trophy