This is the third build based off Paul Lee‘s Mickey Mouse (which was in turn inspired by the Lowell Sphere). These are based on the 2013 cartoon shorts that my family really enjoys.

This is the third build based off Paul Lee‘s Mickey Mouse (which was in turn inspired by the Lowell Sphere). These are based on the 2013 cartoon shorts that my family really enjoys.
“There’s always money in the Banana Stand!“
Since I posted my original Banana Stand in 2015, I’ve received many requests for instructions, sets, stickers, etc. Since then I’ve been able to refine the design and, more importantly, have some professionally printed and die-cut stickers made up for the MOC. I heard the calls for making this available loud and clear. I wanted this to be a special kit; my first publicly available kit that incorporated full color PDF instructions, custom figures, high quality stickers, all in a fun build and a nice package!
CLICK HERE or on one of the pictures to pre-order your Banana Stand today over at my Web Store!
Mac Tonight; the coolest fast food mascot of the 1980’s. I planned this as a minifig(ish) scale model, but after seeing my Arrested Development Frozen Banana Stand I saw an opportunity to double the top of the banana to attempt a crescent moon shape. I’m glad I got to get another cool MOC out of the shaping! 🙂