Mac Tonight; the coolest fast food mascot of the 1980’s. I planned this as a minifig(ish) scale model, but after seeing my Arrested Development Frozen Banana Stand I saw an opportunity to double the top of the banana to attempt a crescent moon shape. I’m glad I got to get another cool MOC out of the shaping! 🙂
Tag Archives: man
Proto Man
Proto Man is the older “brother” of the titular character of the Mega Man video game series. I’ve always thought he was awesome with his shades, yellow scarf, and general aloofness. I’ve been wanting to create a large version of Proto Man for a while, and drew inspiration from Mike Nieves’ Proto Man and MOKO’s Masked Rider. I hope I honored their builds with this one.
Proto Man stands over 14″ tall.
Iron Man
Tony Stark. Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He also has a pretty slick suit.
Built for Iron Builder; the piece for this round is the dark red cone.